Many leaders in the hospitality business assume they have to do all their staffing in-house. You may think it’s just easier to lead the hiring search on your own so you can control the process. While that sounds good on paper, it rarely works well in real life. The very nature of the hospitality business means you’re extremely busy, staff turnover can be high, and you don’t always have the time or resources to handle staffing on your own – at least very well.

But there are many benefits to working with a hospitality staffing agency, from saving time and resources to getting access to different skill sets. Let’s go over the advantages of maintaining a strong long-term relationship with a hospitality staffing agency, whether you’re looking for kitchen, housekeeping, or front desk staff.

Save Time and Resources

Hiring is an expensive process. First, you have to post the position, then you may have to consider paying to promote the advertisement to ensure you’re reaching the right candidates. Once you get feedback, you have to pour through each potential candidate’s resume, cover letters, and other supporting documents.

Once you’ve sorted through all that, it’s time to set up and conduct interviews. This process in itself can be stressful and time consuming, often requiring team members to take a break from their main duties to conduct interviews, especially in short-staffed departments.

A hospitality staffing agency handles all that for you so you — and your team – can focus on the jobs you were hired to do. Simply submit a request for new employees, and your hotel staffing agency will put out the call, vet candidates, and present you with the most promising ones.

Hire Quality, Vetted Staff

You understand better than anyone else how hard it is to find quality workers for hospitality positions. When hiring a new employee, they may look good on paper but you’re never really sure how they will be once the real work hits — even if you’ve done background checks and drug tests to ensure they are legally compliant.

But when working with a hospitality staffing agency, the employees presented to you have already been completely vetted, from drug and background checks to paperwork and documentation verification.

Access to Different Skillsets

For certain positions, such as laundry services or kitchen staff, you probably have been doing a fairly consistent job of attracting and retaining these workers for positions that always pop up. But sometimes, for certain job positions, such as environmental services that need training to properly and safely handle bio waste material, you need to hone your search to people with a specific skillset. This takes a lot of time on your part – time you don’t have. A staffing service will be able to find exactly who you need, when you need them.

Handle Unexpected Demand

It’s important to be prepared for the unknown, which is one big area in which a hospitality staffing agency can help. For example, even though you may have a good grasp of seasonal patterns, you never really know when you will have a sudden, unexpectedly high demand that spikes at normally slow times.

A hospitality staffing agency helps you take these fluctuations in stride. Need more staff, like right now? Call your agency and they can dispatch someone at your location in a matter of hours.

Emergency Preparation

In the same vein, there’s always the chance of sudden emergencies popping up. From a major spill at an event hall right before a wedding, to a big snowstorm that needs to be plowed, to a stomach bug that spreads like wildfire through your staff, it’s important to be able to handle these emergencies quickly and seamlessly. A hospitality staffing agency can send employee replacements in a snap until you can get the situation under control.

Control Costs

Significant cost increases can arise when you attempt to use your own staff to fill in on unexpected demands or handle sudden emergencies. Why? This often triggers overtime for your regular employees, which costs you a lot more than hiring replacement staff from a hospitality agency.

In the end, a hospitality staffing agency is all about flexibility and scalability, whether you need additional staff during peak seasons or have to fill temporary vacancies.

Contact Tumi Hospitality to Request Staff Today

Partnering with Tumi Hospitality offers a whole host of benefits for your hospitality business, whether you need staff for your kitchen, housekeeping department, front desk, or banquet operations. Get more information now when you call us at (512) 722-6000 or fill out our online form.